*This entry is very personal to me regarding my faith and my walk with Jesus.*
In the last year and even moreso in the last month, I am more firm in my faith. I've made a breakthrough recently and I feel like I have grown substantially in my spiritual path. I have learned to let go of me and to give Him control, to let Him mold and shape me into who I was meant to be for His Glory. I never thought I would be typing those words and if someone had told me 10 years ago I would be saying these things, I would have laughed and brushed it off.
For my friends, Christian and non-Christian alike, it's still me. The same me, just a better me. I feel God tugging at my heartstrings every day to be loving, to not judge ANYONE too harshly, to be kind, tolerant, slow to anger (big one for me for those of you who really know me) and patient (another big one). To use my brain as well as my heart.
I am learning that being bitter and angry about how ugly humanity can be is not my cross to bear. We all have something about us that someone else could hate us for. There is something about me that probably makes another person shake with anger. I don't get to be their Holy Spirit. It's not my job to save anyone and it's not anyone else's job either. I believe my place is to be who I am and to love and glorify God, to take up my OWN cross daily. In other words, worry about myself and work on myself. He will shine through me. We can reach others simply by loving them where they are, as I read today in another blog, and allowing Christ to come out in who we are. If you are immersed in Him, it will show. You don't have to force it.
Whoever and wherever you are, I can tell you now in my own experience you WILL like who you become through Him. I can't tell anyone how to live their life and I won't. It's not my job. I just know that I've found true love and joy and I can't recommend it enough. I simply want that for you, too, because it's SO awesome and amazing.
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