This is now hanging in our guest bathroom. I've wanted to do a nautical, sailor theme since I was pregnant with our son, who will be 2 in May!
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Saturday, March 22, 2014
My Tiny Dancer
This was recorded last summer on my phone. It is still one of my favorites! My son still tries to reenact it! He has a very quirky, comedic quality about him.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
TV Stand, Before and After
Again, sorry for the quality of the photo (and my kid being in the way). I pulled off the edge bands and painted the sides. I also painted the base and finally put it back under the stand. I'm very happy with the result.
Before and after bookshelves (commentary included)
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Another new painting, both with a new home
I stood on the grassy area with the kids and dogs and other residents. I called my husband. I conversed with some neighbors as we all tried to figure out what was happening. Luckily, and to my annoyance, it was a faulty heat sensor in one of the units. I finally corralled the dogs and my son, with the help of a neighbor.
It has been a little over 4 hours and I'm STILL catching my breath.
Monday, March 10, 2014
I Don't Need a Big House
When we got engaged, we had plans to wait a year after the wedding to try to have kids. God's gift to us came much earlier with our son Joseph and he was born before our wedding anniversary. We were in a 2 bedroom apartment that was enough for us at the time. We had problems with the management there and did not renew our lease. At the time that was coming to a head, we only had a short time to find a new place and move. I also found out I was pregnant with Cathrine and Joseph was only 6 months. My priority was getting another roof over our heads, so here we are, year 2 in another 2 bedroom.
Another reason is that we need to save some and get in a better financial place first, too. This is one thing Dave Ramsey is big on. I agree with him. Sometimes it IS better to rent. Besides, if my dishwasher breaks, it's the property's responsibility! Yes, we have had some financial struggles lately, but that can happen to just about anyone.
I did beat myself up for a while about not having a bigger space. I refuse to keep doing that because it does nothing but make me unhappy. Instead, we're making the most of it and I'm enjoying making the space our own and making it work for us as much as possible. I keep it reasonably clean, I've done a LOT of decluttering and minimized the junk we had. We will eventually own a house and it will be one we can afford and don't feel peer pressured into buying. I let go of "keeping up". I don't need to do it and it won't make us happy. It doesn't make us less of a family to live where we are. Do not feel sorry for us. I'm not embarrassed or ashamed and I won't be. We have a roof over our heads (which is someone else's floor), food in our fridge, running water, internet, central air, updated appliances and a loving family. Sounds like bliss to me. :)
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
#downsizing #flirtingwithminimalism
In July, I left my job of 8 years to be home with my kids full time. I was due to have our second child in August and child care was going to be expensive, consuming the majority of my paycheck. The rest of my check would probably also go to added expenses of me working, such as food for lunch breaks (take out or home), food to send with the kids rather than make our own here, clothes for work and then gas. Since then, I have been looking for other ways to save and downsize. I have almost developed a hobby out of living a more minimalist kind of life. It's easy to do if you're a creative type, living in a 2 bedroom apartment with a family of 4 and 3 dogs. Yup. 3 dogs. I cook all our meals, even baby food, except on the rare occasion we get take out, I breastfeed the baby, I have downsized junk we don't use and have made the most of our space.
My latest thought is to go back to being a one-car family. Something we haven't been since before we became parents. My car and the added maintenance are beginning to be cumbersome and something I would rather not deal with.
My husband and I are going to really consider the pros and cons, pray and consider alternatives before making a decision. I'll be honest, this one scares me a little.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
I Know Who Goes Before Me
In the last year and even moreso in the last month, I am more firm in my faith. I've made a breakthrough recently and I feel like I have grown substantially in my spiritual path. I have learned to let go of me and to give Him control, to let Him mold and shape me into who I was meant to be for His Glory. I never thought I would be typing those words and if someone had told me 10 years ago I would be saying these things, I would have laughed and brushed it off.
For my friends, Christian and non-Christian alike, it's still me. The same me, just a better me. I feel God tugging at my heartstrings every day to be loving, to not judge ANYONE too harshly, to be kind, tolerant, slow to anger (big one for me for those of you who really know me) and patient (another big one). To use my brain as well as my heart.
I am learning that being bitter and angry about how ugly humanity can be is not my cross to bear. We all have something about us that someone else could hate us for. There is something about me that probably makes another person shake with anger. I don't get to be their Holy Spirit. It's not my job to save anyone and it's not anyone else's job either. I believe my place is to be who I am and to love and glorify God, to take up my OWN cross daily. In other words, worry about myself and work on myself. He will shine through me. We can reach others simply by loving them where they are, as I read today in another blog, and allowing Christ to come out in who we are. If you are immersed in Him, it will show. You don't have to force it.
Whoever and wherever you are, I can tell you now in my own experience you WILL like who you become through Him. I can't tell anyone how to live their life and I won't. It's not my job. I just know that I've found true love and joy and I can't recommend it enough. I simply want that for you, too, because it's SO awesome and amazing.